Sql Server 2019 Error: Login failed for user . (Microsoft SQL, Error: 18456)Click to Watch Video

Login failed for user . (Microsoft SQL, Error: 18456)

Problem: When you are trying to login into SQL Server with a new User Name and you see this error: Login failed for user. (Microsoft SQL, Error: 18456), see the solution below:


  1. Log in to SQL Server with the user name that has access to the Server Instance, normally this will be your Windows Authentication Login
  2. The first thing you want to enable is the "Server Authentication" mode, allow both SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
    - Go to "Server Instance" right on top where your SQL Data Engine shows, right-click
    - Navigate to "Security" and check "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode" this will allow Server Authentication.

    [Important]: If you happen to make any Server changes, it is advisable to restart the SQL Server Services, Consult with your team if this is a production server.
    - If the above did not work for you? continual....
  3.  Navigate to the "Security Object" in "Object Explorer" Panel and expand the "Logins" folder
  4. Find the user name that has problems logging in,
  5. Right-click on the user name and click on "Properties"
        - Make sure that the Password is set on the "General" Tab
        - Make sure that proper privileges are set on the "Server Roles" Tab
        - Make sure that proper "Mapping" is correct for the database the user needs to have access to on the "User Mapping" Tab
       - Most importantly verify that the user has access granted in the "Status" Tab.

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