How to force autofocus on a Textbox with javascript if autofocus does not work ( autofocus is not working)

Question:  autofocus is not working on a textbox, I tried $('#textboxName').focus(); and it does not work.

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If autofocus is working on your textbox, use setTimerout function to trigger autofocus on a textbox. See the code below:


setTimeout(function () {

How to force autofocus on a Textbox with javascript if autofocus does not work ( autofocus is not working)

Edited Version 2

Autofocus is a feature in web development that allows a textbox or input field to automatically focus on itself when it loads or when the user navigates to it. This can be useful for improving the user experience by reducing the number of clicks required to enter data into a form. However, there may be situations where autofocus does not work as expected. In this blog post, we will explore how to force autofocus on a textbox with JavaScript if autofocus does not work.

First, let's understand why autofocus might not work in the first place. There are several reasons why autofocus may not work

1. The textbox or input field may not have an "autofocus" attribute set. This attribute is used to enable autofocus on an element. If it is not present, the browser will not automatically focus on the element when it loads.

2. There may be other elements on the page that are taking priority over the textbox or input field. For example, if there is a form with multiple input fields, the browser may focus on the first input field instead of the one we want to autofocus.

3. The textbox or input field may have an "disabled" attribute set. If it is disabled, the browser will not be able to focus on it.

4. There may be a JavaScript event listener that is preventing the textbox or input field from being focused. For example, if there is an event listener that listens for a keydown event and immediately sets the focus to another element, the textbox or input field may never be focused.

Now that we understand why autofocus might not work let's explore how to force it on a textbox with JavaScript. There are several ways to do this

1. Set the "autofocus" attribute on the textbox or input field using JavaScript. This can be done by accessing the element using its ID or class and setting the "autofocus" attribute to true. For example


const myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");

myInput.autofocus = true;

2. Use the `focus()` method on the textbox or input field using JavaScript. This method sets the focus on the element, just like clicking on it with the mouse. For example


const myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");


3. Use the `requestFocus()` method on the textbox or input field using JavaScript. This method sets the focus on the element, just like clicking on it with the mouse. However, it is less reliable than the `focus()` method because it may be delayed if there are other elements on the page that are taking priority. For example


const myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");


4. Use the `dispatchEvent()` method to simulate a keydown event on the textbox or input field using JavaScript. This will set the focus on the element just like clicking on it with the keyboard. For example


const myInput = document.getElementById("my-input");

const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {

37, // left arrow key






It's important to note that using the `requestFocus()` method or simulating a keydown event may not work in all cases and it's always better to use the `focus()` method if possible.

Now let's take a look at an example of how to force autofocus on a textbox with JavaScript


Autofocus Example

In this example, we have a simple HTML form with an input field. We then use JavaScript to set the "autofocus" attribute on the input field to true. This will cause the input field to be focused when the page loads.

It's important to note that setting the "autofocus" attribute on an element does not guarantee that it will be focused by the browser. The browser may

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