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DotNet Software Development and Performance Tools
Category: .Net 7

[11/11/2022] Bombardia Web Stress Testing Tools<a h ...

Views: 0 Likes: 75
Event Viewer cannot open the event log or custom v ...
Category: Questions

How do you delete the Event Viewer Entry Log in Windows 10? I am getting an error that says "Even ...

Views: 29 Likes: 64
Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsExcep ...
Category: Research

When building a web application using Microsoft's Visual Studio, it is not uncommon to encounter ...

Views: 0 Likes: 27
Frigate doesn't detect my Coral USB TPU in Home As ...
Category: Home

Question Why is Frigate not detecting my Coral USB TPU in Home Assistance?Answer Make su ...

Views: 0 Likes: 23
Please install corresponding PL2303 driver to supp ...
Category: Servers

Check in the Device Manager, normally the Drivers are corrupt, reinstall the PL2303 USB-t ...

Views: 0 Likes: 41
How to Make Visual Studio Run Faster
Category: Technology

Question How do you make Visual ...

Views: 280 Likes: 127
Scaling Docker Application with Docker-Compose
Category: Other

version '3.5' services petstore image petstorelates ...

Views: 0 Likes: 9
How to Connect Pyramid Cash Acceptor in Windows 10 ...
Category: Windows

Question How do you configure Pyramid Cash Acceptor APEX 7000 Series to work with Asp.Net Core 3 ...

Views: 234 Likes: 88
How to Install MP4Box gpac and ffmpeg on Linux Ubu ...
Category: Research

1. Go to this site and follow the instruction to clone GPAC into your folder on Linux&nbsp; ...

Views: 0 Likes: 46
RTscan Barcode Scanner not capturing Input (IoT)
Category: IoT

Question Why is my RT Scan Barcode Scanner (IOT) not capturing QR code or Barco ...

Views: 71 Likes: 59
How to Enable net.tcp net.msmq and net.pip in IIS ...
Category: Servers

Question How do you enable net.tcp net.msmq and net.pip in IIS Web Server on Windows Server. ...

Views: 169 Likes: 87
Connect to FTP Server From Remote Computer
Category: Network

</di ...

Views: 326 Likes: 111
Service Unavailable "HTTP Error 503. The Service i ...
Category: .Net 7

Question How do you solve for this error in IIS and Asp.Net Application Hosting "Service Unavail ...

Views: 0 Likes: 60
How to Install ElasticSearch in Docker Container
Category: Docker

1. Make sure you create a Mount Volume&nbsp; &nbsp;- This volume does not really matter if ...

Views: 0 Likes: 58
Apex 7000 Cash Acceptor Wont show up on COM Port ( ...
Category: IOT

Problem When working with Apex 7000 Ca ...

Views: 95 Likes: 70
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block map ...
Category: Docker-Compose

Question Docker-Compose.yaml error ya ...

Views: 4 Likes: 28
How to Create Symbolic links between two folders o ...
Category: Windows

Use CMD not Powershell &nbsp; mklink /D "E\FolderNameOnAnotherDisk\subfolder\sub ...

Views: 178 Likes: 85
Forward Traffic to Another IP Address
Category: Technology

How to Forward Traffic from a Hosting ...

Views: 367 Likes: 99
Windows 10 Linux Subsystem- Develop with Ruby on R ...
Category: Linux

Windows 10 Linu ...

Views: 367 Likes: 96
The mapped network drive could not be created beca ...
Category: Questions

Question No matter what I try, the Network drive cannot be mapped in Windows 11 ...

Views: 0 Likes: 34
Where is the Windows Event Viewer Log Folder locat ...
Category: Servers

Question Where does the Windows Event Viewer store the logs in Windows 11 and W ...

Views: 0 Likes: 56
C-Sharp 11 Tips and Tricks
Category: Research

Linq- Did you know you could compair two sequences by using sequence operations li ...

Views: 90 Likes: 58
The term 'iis' is not recognized as the name of a ...
Category: Servers

Question How do I control IIS from Windows Terminal (PowerShell)? when I type " ...

Views: 0 Likes: 42
Step-by-Step Guide to GPU Passthrough Setup in Pro ...
Category: SERVERS

Step 1 Edit GRUB - Open terminal and execute&nbsp;nano /etc/defa ...

Views: 0 Likes: 45
Create A Batch File to Automate Tasks On Windows.
Category: Windows

Batch files can be used to run <a href="http// ...

Views: 283 Likes: 81
[Asp.Net Core 3.1] Zebra Printer SDK C# Unable to ...
Category: .Net 7

Question When programming with Zebra C-Sharp SDK and trying to implement code t ...

Views: 737 Likes: 72
Login failed for user . (Microsoft SQL, Error: 184 ...
Category: SQL

Problem When you are trying to login into SQL Server with a ne ...

Views: 373 Likes: 108
Category: Windows

A very resourcefully blog when it comes to Powershell Scripting. Scripting languages can be used to ...

Views: 264 Likes: 104
Cannot ping computer on same network
Category: Servers

Question Why am I unable to ping another <a class='text-decoration-none' href='/articles/search ...

Views: 0 Likes: 26
[Solved] HP Spectre won't turn on
Category: Hardware

Question What to do when HP Spectre La ...

Views: 97 Likes: 80
How to Connect to Linux Ubuntu 20 using Remote Des ...
Category: Lunux

Question How to log in to <a class="text-decoration-none" href="https//www.ern ...

Views: 0 Likes: 35
Docker on Windows Error "A fatal error was encount ...
Category: Docker

Question How do you solve Docker on Windows Error when you are trying to run AspNet Application ...

Views: 223 Likes: 80
iis just in time debugging error
Category: Servers

Question Why is IIS Just-In-Time debugging error popping up when testing <a cl ...

Views: 0 Likes: 34
How to Develop Drupal 8, PHP and MySQ on Windows 1 ...
Category: Linux

This document is still in editWhen developing using PHP7.2-fpm (A highly PHP Engine for ...

Views: 270 Likes: 89
How to Install Raspberry Operating System on Raspb ...
Category: Lunux

Question [Raspberry Pi not booting up "Trying Partition 0" Error] Why is my Raspberry Pi not bo ...

Views: 0 Likes: 31
How to Find Event Logs folder on Windows
Category: Servers

Question How do you find the source folder where <a class="text-decoration-none" href="https//w ...

Views: 0 Likes: 31
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10013): An att ...
Category: .Net 7

Question How do you solve the error that says "Unable to start Kestrel.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp ...

Views: 0 Likes: 34
Windows Command Line Docs
Category: Windows

This Microsoft Website will take you through <a href="https// ...

Views: 316 Likes: 98
Vmware ESXI 6.2 How to Mount a USB Storage to vmwa ...
Category: Hardware

1. Go to VMware host and navigate to action, then click on "enable ssh"< ...

Views: 56 Likes: 55
How to Enable COM Ports on Windows 10 or 11 and Us ...
Category: Research

IntroductionSerial communication is an essential part of many computer systems, e ...

Views: 0 Likes: 32
The ONNX Runtime extensions library was not found ...
Category: Research

Introduction------------ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) is an open-sour ...

Views: 0 Likes: 14
How to create SQL file in one command on Windows
Category: SQL

Have you ever wondered how to create a sQL file on one command. I found myself needing to create ...

Views: 0 Likes: 39
[Ruby on Rails] Rails Server cannot Stop on Window ...
Category: Linux

Rails Server on ...

Views: 353 Likes: 75
RedisTimeoutException: Timeout awaiting response ( ...
Category: Other

RedisTimeoutException Timeout awaiting response (outbound=0KiB, inbound=0KiB, 5094ms elapsed, ti ...

Views: 0 Likes: 16
How to SSH into Windows 10
Category: Network

Quesiton How do you ssh into Windows 10? Answer Install open SSH app available in Windo ...

Views: 238 Likes: 87
Enable Administrator Acc On Windows 10
Category: Windows

Make sure you start a command prompt as an administrator, research about starting command prompt or ...

Views: 290 Likes: 100
How to Program Apex 7000 Cash Acceptor in Asp.Net ...
Category: .Net 7

Programming Apex 7000 Cash Acceptor in Asp.Net Core 3.1 Notes Mak ...

Views: 271 Likes: 86
[Solved] sudo ufw allow ‘Nginx HTTP’ ERROR: Need ' ...
Category: Network

Error sudo ufw allow &lsquo;Nginx HTTP&rsquo; ERROR Need 'to' or 'from' clause ...

Views: 3285 Likes: 102
Installing SiteKiosk 9 on Windows 11 shows only Bl ...
Category: Windows

Question Why is Restricted User in <a class="text-decoration-none" href="https//www.ernestech.c ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30
How do you configure Rasp audio ESP-Home to work w ...
Category: Home

To configure Raspaudio ESP-Home to work with the Assist voice assistant in Home Assistant, you'll ...

Views: 0 Likes: 35

For peering opportunity Autonomouse System Number: AS401345 Custom Software Development at ErnesTech Email AddressContact: [email protected]