Event Viewer cannot open the event log or custom view. Verify that Event Log service is running or query is too long.

How do you delete the Event Viewer Entry Log in Windows 10? I am getting an error that says "Event Viewer cannot open the event log or custom view. Verify that Event Log service is running or query is too long. The specifed channel path is invalid (15000).

I created an Application Event Viewer Log with an "&" sign and now the Event Log won't be opened or application won't log new Entry to the log file.

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Event Viewer cannot open the event log or custom view. Verify that Event Log service is running or query is too long.

Edited Version 2

The Event Viewer is a built-in tool in Windows that allows users to view system logs and events. However, sometimes the Event Viewer may not be able to open the event log or custom view. This can be caused by a variety of issues, including problems with the Event Log service or queries that are too long. In this blog post, we will explore these issues in more detail and provide solutions to help you troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Event Log Service Issues

One common cause of problems with the Event Viewer is an issue with the Event Log service. This service is responsible for collecting and storing system logs and events, and it must be running in order for the Event Viewer to function properly. To check if the Event Log service is running, follow these steps

1. Open the Start menu and search for "services".

2. In the Services app, find "Event Log" in the list of services.

3. Right-click on the service and select "Properties".

4. In the Properties window, check the "Startup type" setting to ensure that it is set to "Automatic".

5. Click "Start" to start the service if it is not already running.

If the Event Log service is not running, you may need to restart your computer or troubleshoot the issue further. You can find more information about troubleshooting the Event Log service in Microsoft's documentation

Query Issues

Another common cause of problems with the Event Viewer is queries that are too long. The Event Viewer has a limit on the length of queries that it can handle, and if your query exceeds this limit, you may receive an error message or the Event Viewer may not be able to open the event log at all. To avoid this issue, you should try to keep your queries as short and specific as possible.

For example, instead of using a broad query like "All events", you can use a more specific query like "Security Events" or "Application Events". You can also use filters to narrow down your search results and make it easier to find the events you are looking for. To add filters to your query, follow these steps

1. Open the Event Viewer and select the event log you want to view.

2. In the Details pane, right-click on an event and select "Filter".

3. In the Filter dialog box, you can add filters based on various criteria such as event ID, source, or time range.

4. Click "OK" to apply the filter.

By using filters and keeping your queries short and specific, you can avoid query issues and ensure that the Event Viewer is able to open the event log and display the events you need.

Code Examples

Here are some examples of code that you can use to troubleshoot and fix common issues with the Event Viewer

1. Checking if the Event Log service is running


import win32service

eventlog = win32service.Service('EventLog')

if eventlog.Status == win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING

print('Event Log service is running')


print('Event Log service is not running')

1. Starting the Event Log service


import win32service

eventlog = win32service.Service('EventLog')

if eventlog.Status != win32service.SERVICE_RUNNING


print('Event Log service started')


print('Event Log service is already running')

1. Filtering events in the Event Viewer


import win32event

evthandle = win32event.ConnectServer(None, 1688)

filter = 'Security Events'

events = win32event.QueryEvents(evthandle, filter)

for event in events



The Event Viewer is a powerful tool for troubleshooting and monitoring system logs and events

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