[Asp.Net Core 3.1] Zebra Printer SDK C# Unable to Find "DiscoveredUsbPrinter"

Question: When programming with Zebra C-Sharp SDK and trying to implement code to discover USB Printer throws an error. How do you discover USB Printer plugged into the Server or Computer?


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When working with Zebra SDK for developing Business Logic to integrate with the Zebra KR403 Receipt Printer, the SDK you download from Nuget Package Manager might not include all the DLL's especially for the namespace "Zebra.Sdk.Printer.Discovery" that is responsible for discovering USB Printers. 

  • In order to obtain the Library DLL to have access to this namespace visit https://techdocs.zebra.com/ for more information. My experience is that you might not get all the namespace needed to implement or develop for Zebra Receipt Printer, this is the case if you are inheriting Legacy Code and would like to upgrade to the Latest Framework like Asp.Net Core from Standard Asp.Net Framework.
  • In case you have access to Legacy Code, look carefully in the project References folder and find "SdkAPI.Core", "SdkApi.Desktop" and "SdkApi.Desktop.Usb", copy these DLL's into your other upgraded Application then 
    - Right-click on the Project, Add then click on "Project Reference"
    - In the Reference Manager, click on Browse and browse for the location you stored the copied DLLs.

- Ask the community for help if you need one, remember all questions are valid and keep in mind to ask for help as soon as possible.

jack said:

Thank you.

Posted On: January 11, 2023 13:01:51 PM

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