chmod: cannot access '777': No such file or directory

Question:How do you resolve Linux Error: chmod: cannot access '777': No such file or directory?

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Make sure you have typed: sudo chmod -R 777 /DirectoryName  the reason for that error is because you typed small letter -r. Linux is case sensive when it comes to commands.

chmod: cannot access '777': No such file or directory

Edited Version 2

Chmod is a command-line utility used in Unix-like operating systems to change the permissions of files and directories. It allows users to specify the level of access that different users or groups have to a file or directory.

The error message "chmod cannot access '777'" indicates that the chmod command is unable to modify the file or directory with the specified permissions. The number '777' represents the highest level of permission, which allows the owner of the file or directory to read, write, and execute it.

In this blog post, we will explore the causes of this error message and how to resolve it. We will also discuss the different types of permissions that can be set using chmod and how to use them effectively.

Causes of "chmod cannot access '777'" Error Message


The "chmod cannot access '777'" error message can occur for several reasons

1. Incorrect file or directory path
If the file or directory path specified in the chmod command is incorrect, the command will not be able to access it and will return an error message.

2. Insufficient permissions
If the user running the chmod command does not have sufficient permissions to modify the file or directory, the command will fail with an error message.

3. File system issues
If there are issues with the file system, such as a corrupted file or directory, the chmod command may not be able to access it and will return an error message.

4. Permission conflicts
If there are conflicting permissions set on the file or directory, the chmod command may not be able to modify it and will return an error message.

Resolving "chmod cannot access '777'" Error Message


To resolve the "chmod cannot access '777'" error message, you can try the following steps

1. Check the file or directory path
Make sure that the file or directory path specified in the chmod command is correct. You can use the ls command to list the contents of a directory and verify the path.

2. Check permissions
Make sure that the user running the chmod command has sufficient permissions to modify the file or directory. You can use the id command to check the user's ID and ensure that it has the necessary permissions.

3. Check file system issues
If there are issues with the file system, you may need to repair or reformat the file system. This can be done using a disk utility or by contacting your system administrator.

4. Remove conflicting permissions
If there are conflicting permissions set on the file or directory, you may need to remove them before modifying the file or directory with chmod. You can use the chown command to change the owner of the file or directory and the chgrp command to change the group ownership.

Types of Permissions in chmod


chmod allows users to set different types of permissions on files and directories, including

1. Owner permissions
These permissions are set for the owner of the file or directory. They include read, write, and execute permissions.

2. Group permissions
These permissions are set for the group that owns the file or directory. They include read, write, and execute permissions.

3. Other permissions
These permissions are set for all other users who do not own the file or directory. They include read and execute permissions.

Using chmod Effectively


To use chmod effectively, you should follow these best practices

1. Use the correct syntax
The chmod command has a specific syntax that must be followed to set permissions correctly. Make sure that you are using the correct syntax for your operating system and file type.

2. Set permissions sparingly
Only set permissions that are necessary for the user or group to access the file or directory. Setting unnecessary permissions can lead to security vulnerabilities and make it easier for unauthorized users to access sensitive information.

3. Use symbolic mode
The symbolic mode of chmod allows you to modify permissions in a more flexible way than the numeric mode. It also makes it easier to understand the changes being made to the file or directory.

4. Use the -R flag
The -R flag allows you to recursively apply chmod to all files and directories within a specified path. This can save time when modifying permissions for multiple files or directories.



The "chmod cannot access '777'" error message indicates that the chmod command is unable to modify a file or directory with the specified permissions. To resolve this error, you should check the file or directory path,

Jack said:

Word or Caution, make sure you understand making a directory access privileges to 777, this is a sign that you are not aware of other secure permission like 666. If you do this keep in mind that you are allowing everyone to access to this directory.

Posted On: March 08, 2022 15:00:03 PM

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