When you mout a storage in docker compose, where do the files in that storage actually leave?

How do I make asp.net core 8 to load assets from a cdn domain name

To configure ASP.NET Core 8 to serve static files, including assets like images or stylesheets, from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) domain name, you'll need to use middleware that supports this functionality. Here's how you can do it:

1. First, install the `Microsoft.Extensions.Http` NuGet package for handling HTTP requests and responses in your project by running this command in the terminal or Package Manager Console:


dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Http


2. Next, create a middleware component to forward the requests for static files to your CDN:

1. Create a new class named `CdnMiddleware` in your project:


using System;

using System.IO;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Http;

public class CdnMiddleware : MiddlewareBase {

private readonly HttpClient _httpClient; // Injected IHttpClientFactory instance

public CdnMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory) : base(next) {

_httpClient = clientFactory.CreateClient(); // Create an instance of HttpClient


protected override async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context) {

if (context.Request.Path.Value[0] != '_') // Exclude requests started with "_" character, like /_api or /_node_modules


context.Response.OnStarting(() => SetCORSHeaders(context), null); // Setting CORS headers if needed for your CDN

var path = context.Request.Path;

string cdnUrl = "https://yourcdndomainname.com"; // Replace with your CDN domain name

if (IsStaticFile(path)) {

context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK; // Set status code to OK

using var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync($"{cdnUrl}{path}"); // Forward the request to CDN

if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {

context.Response.StatusCode = (int) response.ReasonPhrase switch { "Not Found" => StatusCodes.NotFound, _ => statusCode:>(int?)StatusCodes.InternalServerError };

} else if (context.Response != null) {

await ForwardStreamedBodyAsync(response, context); // Forward the CDN response to client instead of serving a local file

} else {

await base.InvokeAsync(context); // Serve static files locally if HttpContext's Response property is null (e.g., when using RedirectResult or other special responses)


} else {

await base.InvokeAsync(context); // Handle non-static file requests normally (e.g., API calls) or different middleware components as needed



private bool IsStaticFile(PathString path) { // Extension method to check if a file is static or not based on extension (you can modify this according to your needs).

return new[] {"html", "css", "js"}.Contains(Path.GetExtension(path.Value)[1..]); // Example checking for common static file extensions (e.g., .html, .css or .js)


private Task SetCORSHeaders(HttpContext context) => context.Response.WriteAsync("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); // Setting CWhat does this do:

IWhat does this do: 0 * * * * root rsync -av --ignore-existing --dirs /var/www/ProductionResources/wwwroot/ /sanBackUp/vm-folders/WebAPI1/Config/wwwroot/

cannot directly answer that question without additional context. The text you provided is empty, so it doesn't do anything on its own when executed in a programming environment or interpreted as plaintext. If this represents the code of a function, class method, or script written in some specific programming language, we would need to examine its syntax and semantics to understand what it does. If this is a snippet from another type of text (such as markdown, HTML, or plaintext), its meaning would depend on the context in which it appears. If you meant to provide a specific code example for analysis instead of an empty string, please double-check and make sure that the actual code is included in your message. How do i extend the vm storage in linux

To extend the VM (Virtual Machine) storage in Linux, you will need to increase the size of its underlying disk file. Here's a general step-by-step guide on how to do it using popular hypervisors:

1. **Shut down the VM:** Before making any changes, ensure that your virtual machine is completely shut down. This will help prevent data corruption and other issues during the resizing process.

2. **Locate the Virtual Disk File:** The location of your virtual disk file depends on which hypervisor you're using:

- For KVM, usually under `/var/lib/libvirt/images` or in the folder where your VM was created.

- For VirtualBox, it is typically located within a `VDI` file under `/.VirtualBox/Machines/{VM_name}/{HardDisk}`, where {VM_name} is the name of your virtual machine.

- For Oracle VM, it can be located under `/var/lib/vmpooler/{UUID}/disks`. Find the UUID of your virtual machine by running: `sudo virsh list --all | grep `

3. **Resize the Disk File:** Use one of these methods to resize your disk file:

- For KVM, use a tool like `qemu-img` or `drbdadm`. To increase size using qemu-img: `sudo qemu-img resize +G`, for example: `sudo qemu-img resize /var/lib/libvirt/images/myvm.qcow2 +10G`.

- For VirtualBox, you cannot directly extend the file using a command-line tool in Linux; instead, use the "Settings" tab within Oracle VM Manager or VirtualBox Manager to increase its size.

- For OracleVM (Xen), you can use `vdiattach` and `qemu-img`. First, detach the disk using: `sudo virsh attach-disk --detach all --target none`, then extend it with qemu-img as mentioned in the KVM method. Finally, attach back your disk using: `sudo virsh attach-disk --target name= --alias linux`.

- For Microsoft Hyper-V, use the PowerShell console or Hyper-V Manager to increase virtual hard disks' size.

4. **Adjust Partition Sizes:** After extending your disk file, you may need to adjust partition sizes within the VM using a tool like `fdisk`, `parted` or GUI tools such as GParted. To use fdisk: Run 'sudo fdisk /dev/' and issue the commands `n` to create a new partition, then follow prompts accordingly.

- If you want to expand an existing partition: Use command 'e' and select the desired partition number when querying for the existing partitions, then set `END` as a new endpoint.

- If you want to create an additional or larger partition: Use command 'n' instead of 'e'. Set the file system type as desired, and ensure that it is placed at a suitable location.

- Once you have made your changes with any of these tools, save the partition table using 'w' and reboot your VM to apply the new configuration.

5. **Format New Partition:** If you created a new or larger partition, format it with an appropriate file system using command-line tools like `mkfs` (for Ext2/Ext3/4) or `xfsformat`, depending on your desired filesystem.

6. **Mount the New Partition:** Finally, mount the new partition to a suitable directory within Linux for further use: Edit `/etc/fstab` or create an entry in it if needed.


# /etc/fstab example with a new partition:

UUID= /mnt/mydata ext4 defaults 0 2


7. **Check the new partition size:** You can check that your newly extended storage is recognized by Linux using various commands such as `df -h` or by checking available disk space in the file manager.


df -Th | grep # Replace '' with your mount point path, e.g., /mnt/mydata

` When you mout a storage in docker compose, where do the files in that storage actually leave?

In Docker Compose, when you define a volume or bind mount in your `docker-compose.yml` file, what you're essentially doing is creating a mapping between the data source and target container or directory. The files themselves do not leave their original location; instead, Docker creates or uses an existing volume or bind mount point to make the data accessible to one or more containers in your Compose file.

Here's a brief explanation of each type:

1. **Volumes**: When you define a volume, Docker creates an abstract named container that manages the storage for one or more containers. The actual data is stored on your host machine (or in some cases a persistent volume, like GlusterFS or Amazon EBS), outside of any container's filesystem. A single Docker volume can be mounted by multiple containers at the same time, and each container will have its own view (read-write or read-only) of that data.

2. **Bind mounts**: When you define a bind mount, you're specifically mapping an existing directory on your host machine to a container or vice versa (you can also use relative paths). In this case, the actual files are still located in their original place on the host and are accessible to both your Docker containers through that mapped path. This can be useful for sharing sensitive data, backup directories or other files between different services while keeping the actual data on the host itself instead of inside a Docker container.

In summary, when you mount storage in Docker Compose, no files actually leave their original location (unless explicitly specified using bind mounts to a remote host). Instead, volumes and bind mounts create mappings that allow containers access to data from their own or external sources.

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