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How to draw an eye in eight steps
Category: Art

      In this blog post, I will ex ...

Views: 447 Likes: 104
How to Use Different Shades of pencils and Techniq ...
Category: Art

Shading is a very important skill to have when drawing realistically.  In fact, m ...

Views: 0 Likes: 20
How to Create the Best Outline When Drawing Realis ...
Category: Art

Outlines are the initial lines of shapes an Artist draws when creatin ...

Views: 0 Likes: 31
Drawing a Realistic Image Case Study
Category: Art

In the Case Study, we will take a look at a drawn image and try to gi ...

Views: 0 Likes: 34
Chapter 5: Self-Care and Coping Strategies
Category: Lipedema

Living with lipedema can be challenging, but there are strategies individuals can employ to impro ...

Views: 0 Likes: 12

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