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ASP.NET 8 Best Practices: Coding, Performance Tips ...
Category: .Net 7

In this chapter, we will explore various best practices and performance tips to enhance your ASP. ...

Views: 368 Likes: 98
How do I turn Black and White Movie into Color
Category: Research

Turning a black and white movie into color can be a challenging task, but it is definitely possi ...

Views: 0 Likes: 39
ASP.NET Core 3.1 Get the Path to the Images Folder ...
Category: .Net 7

Problem How do you get the path to the wwwroot folder to show an image without ...

Views: 775 Likes: 112
How do you find a Product to sale online
Category: Research

Finding the right product to sell online can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not p ...
Category: Research

When working with databases, it's important to understand how to write efficient and effective q ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30
How to Optimize Web Server for Faster Response Tim ...
Category: Technology

How to Optimize ...

Views: 338 Likes: 75
What you should be doing as an LLC Owner
Category: Research

As an LLC owner, it is important to understand the legal requirements and best practices for man ...

Views: 0 Likes: 28
How to maintain Health Habits in 2024
Category: Research

Maintaining healthy habits is essential for overall well-being and longevity. In 2024, it will b ...

Views: 0 Likes: 29
What is a Host in Asp.Net 8 Application
Category: Research

IntroductionIn an ASP.NET Core application, a host is responsible for starting an ...

Views: 0 Likes: 31
recurring neural network in c#
Category: Research

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that are designed ...

Views: 0 Likes: 28
What is the best Asp.Net Core Application Design, ...
Category: Research

IntroductionASP.NET Core is a powerful framework for building web applications th ...

Views: 0 Likes: 15
How to find out the Highest Number in an Array in ...
Category: .Net 7

Question How do you find out the highe ...

Views: 125 Likes: 69
The ONNX Runtime extensions library was not found. ...
Category: Research

IntroductionThe ONNX Runtime is an open-source machine learning inference engine ...

Views: 0 Likes: 28
How to Enable COM Ports on Windows 10 or 11 and Us ...
Category: Research

IntroductionSerial communication is an essential part of many computer systems, e ...

Views: 0 Likes: 32
[SEO] Why Using Links Instead of Click Functions f ...
Category: Network

[SEO ] Why Using Links Instead of Click Functions is very important ...

Views: 337 Likes: 82
Why is Python so popular among Machine-Learning De ...
Category: Research

Python is a popular programming language among machine learning developers for several reasons< ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30
Design Parterns in C-Sharp
Category: C-Sharp

Design Patterns (C#)< ...

Views: 366 Likes: 105
How to optimize sql query in Microsoft SQL Server
Category: SQL

1. Keep in mind that when you write a Store Procedure SQL Server generates an SQL plan. If you ha ...

Views: 463 Likes: 102
Benefit of eating Dandelions
Category: Research

Dandelions are often seen as weeds, but they are actually a nutritious and beneficial plant that ...

Views: 0 Likes: 24
Why would a Vector Embedding presented as a single ...
Category: Research

Vector embeddings are a type of representation of data that use high-dimensional vectors to repr ...

Views: 0 Likes: 24
Farewell to Firewalls: Wi-Fi bugs open network dev ...
Category: Research

The rise of wireless networks has made it easier for people to connect their devices and access ...

Views: 0 Likes: 29
How to read an Email Header
Category: Research

An email header is a crucial part of an email message that contains important information about ...

Views: 0 Likes: 25
Is AI going to take Software Development Jobs?
Category: Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the software development indu ...

Views: 0 Likes: 32
How to get current date in angular in HTML inline
Category: Research

In Angular, you can easily get the current date using the `Date` object. Here's how to do it</p ...

Views: 0 Likes: 33
What is the difference between Cookie based Authen ...
Category: Research

Cookie-based authentication and bearer token-based authentication are two common methods used fo ...

Views: 0 Likes: 26
What is Computer Programming
Category: Computer Programming

<div class="group w-full text-gray-800 darktext-gray-100 border-b border-black/10 darkborder-gray- ...

Views: 0 Likes: 17
What is the best practices for creating a robots.t ...
Category: Research

Creating a robots.txt file is an important step in protecting your website from malicious bots a ...

Views: 0 Likes: 24
Why you should choose HomeAssistant as your Home A ...
Category: Research

Home automation is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make their homes mor ...

Views: 0 Likes: 37
The ONNX Runtime extensions library was not found ...
Category: Research

Introduction------------ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) is an open-sour ...

Views: 0 Likes: 14
What is Chain-of-Thoughts in Artificial General In ...
Category: Research

IntroductionArtificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a field of research that aims to cr ...

Views: 0 Likes: 28
Unable to attache to the process. Attaching a .Net ...
Category: Research

Debugging is an essential part of software development that helps developers identify and fix er ...

Views: 0 Likes: 27
Full time Javascript Developer wanted!
Category: Jobs

An award winning account firm local to Cleveland/Akron, OH is looking for a mid level (3-6 years ...

Views: 38 Likes: 89
Be Aware of Memory Leak in Software Application
Category: Technology

Memory Leak in Software Application<div style="text-align ce ...

Views: 333 Likes: 98
Why you should never use Microwave to microwave yo ...
Category: Research

Microwaves are a convenient way to cook and reheat food quickly. However, there are some things ...

Views: 0 Likes: 33
Solved!! Visual Studio 2019 Shows a big Cursor and ...
Category: Technology

Problem When coding in Visual Studio, all of the sudden you see a big cursor and when you start ...

Views: 800 Likes: 98
What does SET XACT_ABORT ON do in SQL
Category: Research

In SQL, the SET XACT\_ABORT ON statement is used to enable or disable the automatic termination ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30
What is domain driven design in Asp.Net 8?
Category: Research

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to software development that emphasizes the importance ...

Views: 0 Likes: 29
Coding Bootcamp Graduate Searching for Job
Category: Jobs

Hello! I am a recent graduate from the coding Bootcamp Tech Elevator and am actively searching fo ...

Views: 214 Likes: 114
How to use Whisper AI using ONNX in C#
Category: Research

IntroductionWhisper AI is an open-source speech recognition model developed by Google th ...

Views: 0 Likes: 22
The difference between iptable and nftables
Category: Research

Iptables and nftables are two powerful network security tools used in Linux systems. While they ...

Views: 0 Likes: 40
What is the best Dog breed to have as a pet
Category: Research

The Best Dog Breeds to Have as Pets A Comprehensive GuideDogs are one of the most ...

Views: 0 Likes: 27
List of Math Functions and why they are used
Category: Research

Math functions are an essential part of programming, allowing developers to perform various calc ...

Views: 0 Likes: 24
What is the best way to learn AI in 2024?
Category: Research

IntroductionArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, but it's only in r ...

Views: 0 Likes: 26
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id', tab ...
Category: Research

When working with databases, it is important to ensure that all data being inserted into the dat ...

Views: 0 Likes: 33
Home Assistant Assist Commands are not working
Category: Research

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that allows users to control various d ...

Views: 0 Likes: 25
What does TRIM function do in T-SQL
Category: Research

Title Understanding the TRIM Function in T-SQL A Comprehensive Guide with Code Examples and Vi ...

Views: 0 Likes: 39
The endpoint is configured to use HTTP1.1 and HTT ...
Category: Research

IntroductionHTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used for transferr ...

Views: 0 Likes: 33
What is Go2RTC in Frigate NVR
Category: Research

Go2RTC is a feature of Frigate NVR that allows users to remotely control their cameras using Web ...

Views: 0 Likes: 33
How do you perform Math in SQL
Category: Research

Math in SQL is an essential skill for anyone working with databases. It allows you to manipulate ...

Views: 0 Likes: 28
How to copy data from one table to a new table wit ...
Category: Research

Copying data from one table to another is a common task in database management. It can be done m ...

Views: 0 Likes: 30

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