resizeobserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. URL: L:0"

Question: How do you resolve the error, resizeobserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. URL: L:0"


resizeobserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. URL: L:0"

Edited Version 2

Resizing images is an important aspect of web development, as it helps ensure that images load quickly and are optimized for different screen sizes. One way to resize images is by using the `resizeobserver` API, which allows you to observe changes in the size of elements on a page and trigger resizing events accordingly. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the `resizeobserver` API to resize images on a webpage.

First, let's take a look at what the `resizeobserver` API is and how it works. The `resizeobserver` API is a modern way to observe changes in the size of elements on a page. It allows you to create an observer that will trigger events when the size of an element changes. This can be useful for resizing images, as well as other types of content.

To use the `resizeobserver` API, you first need to create an instance of the `ResizeObserver` class. You can do this by calling the `new ResizeObserver()` constructor and passing in a callback function that will be triggered when the size of an element changes. Here is an example


const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {

entries.forEach((entry) => {

console.log(`Element with id ${entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize} has changed size to ${entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize}`);



In this example, the callback function will be triggered whenever an element's inline size changes. The `entries` parameter contains an array of objects that represent the elements being observed. Each object has a `contentBoxSize` property that contains information about the element's size.

Once you have created an instance of the `ResizeObserver` class, you can start observing elements on your page by calling the `observe()` method and passing in the element(s) you want to observe. Here is an example


const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');

images.forEach((image) => {



In this example, we are selecting all `img` elements on the page and observing their size changes using the `resizeobserver`.

Now that you have created an instance of the `ResizeObserver` class and started observing elements on your page, you can trigger resizing events when the size of an element changes. To do this, you will need to define a function that will be called whenever the size of an element changes. This function should take the `entries` parameter and use it to resize the image(s) being observed.

Here is an example of how you might define such a function


function resizeImages(entries) {

entries.forEach((entry) => {

const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');

images.forEach((image) => {

if (image.getBoundingClientRect().width !== entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize || image.getBoundingClientRect().height !== entry.contentBoxSize.blockSize) { = `${entry.contentBoxSize.inlineSize}px`; = `${entry.contentBoxSize.blockSize}px`;





In this example, the `resizeImages` function is called whenever the size of an element changes. It first selects all `img` elements on the page and then loops through each element, resizing it if its inline size or block size has changed.

Finally, you can call the `resizeImages` function whenever the `ResizeObserver` instance's `observe()` method is called. Here is an example


const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {



const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');

images.forEach((image) => {



In this example, we are calling the `resizeImages` function whenever the size of an element changes. This will trigger the resizing of any `img` elements on the page that are being observed by the `resizeobserver`.

One thing to keep in mind when using the `resizeobserver` API is that it can be resource-intensive, especially if you are observing a large number of elements on your page. To

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